4 min read.

It feels like whichever way we turn right now we’re surrounded by uncertainty.

In the UK it’s impossible to escape Brexit, with so much uncertainty even this week about the economic consequences never mind the political uncertainty. Whilst overseas, the ongoing trade war between U.S.-China continues to create doubt in the global markets, and we continue to see a populist tide sweeping over Europe and America.

By some degree,  we see that the current degree of economic policy uncertainty is at an unprecedented level compared to recent history.

While Social Housing is often accused of living in a bubble, we too are not immune from uncertainty. The debate is ongoing about the long-term impact of Brexit, welfare reform, government housing policy to name but a few issues that the sector is dealing with.

Uncertain times call for steady heads and a long-term outlook. As Board/Executives we must strive to instil a level of stability to guide our organisations through choppy waters.

If you look at our recent analysis on VFM using our IwP VFM Tracker. We highlighted that the long-term performance gap between the different size associations was 20% and we predicted that, that was going to widen.

VFM tracker by units

Click on the link to read the full article; http://iwp-uk.com/2018/06/25/social-housing-is-the-sector-delivering-vfm/

Such predictive intelligence allows us to understand our risk or exposure and enables us to get ahead of the future planning process. It can help to take the emotion out of the room when making tough decisions.

Long-term trends can change of course – even the smoothest roads still have the odd speed bump along the way. But a probabilistic approach is better than just taking the current context and assuming a steady state of return.

In an unpredictable sector in an unpredictable world, our long-term projections can provide a bit of certainty in an uncertain world.

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